mercredi 22 février 2012

Flapjack Recipe

Porridge Oats 250g
Butter (salted) 125g
Golden Syrup 75g
Sugar (soft brown) 75g
Optional - sultanas/raisins/sunflower seeds etc
Salt (only if the butter isn't salted)

Baking tray (mine is 8x8 inches)

Melt the butter and golden syrup in pan and salt if using(don't boil or anything, just heat until melted)
Add the sugar and stir Add sultanas or other options if using
Add oats, you may need a little more or less depending what extras you use, the mixture should be moist and sticky but not runny or dry (sorry not v accurate - try it once and add more or less next time to taste...) 

Cook at 175 C for 25-30 mins (will give chewy Flapjack)

If you want crunchy cook a little hotter (about 190 for a little less long)

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