mercredi 29 février 2012

Things you can't buy in France

There are a number of things that we *can't live without* that aren't readily available in France eg Lyons Golden Syrup, Marmite, Tabasco Sauce, Sunpat Peanut Butter and Cadbury's Hot Chocolate. In Chamonix they are all available on the 'English shelf' in a number of the supermarkets however they are very expensive and only available occasionally, so we need to a.) work out how to make our own b.) find a substitute c.) live without or d.) hope for care packages from home

Golden Syrup - a.) - Recipe here
Peanut butter - a.) - planning on making when we have a blender
Tabasco sauce - a.) - planning on making when we have a blender
Hot Chocolate b.)/d.) - will try some of the French ones but having tried in the past none are quite as good, maybe it is a matter of practice.
Marmite - d.) - no idea of recipe, I think it is a closely guarded secret, hard to imagine substitute

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