mercredi 29 février 2012

Golden Syrup Recipe

We found this tastes a bit different to 'real' golden syrup - which is made as a by product of refining cane sugar rather than by partially inverting refined sugar. But it is pretty tasty. We are thinking about trying again with brown sugar and using citric acid instead of lemon as there is a slight lemony flavour to this batch, we think because the zest went in there on the slice of lemon.

For caramelised sugar
100g sugar
25 ml water

For the main syrup
500g Sugar
300 ml water
1 slice lemon

Put the ingredients for the main syrup in a pan and boil slowly

While it is boiling make the caramelised sugar by putting the sugar and water in to a small pan and heating without stirring until the mixture starts to brown (about 8-10 mins probably), when this happens swirl in the pan slowly so it doesn't burn, continue heating until a dark gold colour is reached (a little bit darker than the finished product is going to be but don't burn).

Add this to the main pan and continue to heat this until the mixture reaches a temperature of 110 degrees (or a little higher if you want the syrup stiffer). Probably about 40 - 60 mins

Put in to glass jars while hot (if it is too runny when it cools just heat for a little longer)

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