dimanche 29 avril 2012

A bit of wind...

It was windy yesterday, so much so that the ski area was closed all day.
Over night it got much stronger, it felt like the building was going to blow away along with all the surrounding trees. We didn't get much sleep.
The building survived (mostly although there seem to be a few bits of roof around - not sure if they are ours or not) but some of the trees suffered.
This is one directly outside our window. We heard it fall, it could easily have been our balcony it is now resting on.
View from our balcony
This is from a few days ago, it is the closest one which has fallen.

This one is also outside our window, just to the right, also could have been on our balcony if it had fallen differently.
Our window is middle of the top row on the building
We were a bit worried this one was going to have landed on the car when we saw it out the window but actually missed by a good way.

I was wondering yesterday how I could get a photo of the wind so I could blog about it, as it was very impressive even before it got stronger over night. The trees on the side of the hill were blowing around so much that they looked like a wheat field waving in the wind but it wasn't going to come out on a photo...

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