lundi 23 avril 2012

Herman Cake Recipe

Herman is a friendship or a sour dough cake. Sarah kindly gave us some (italics are because he kind of takes over your cake baking as you need to use him regularly plus I feel it is a bit of  a swindle the recipes have baking soda in despite the starter being yeast... surely that should be what is rising the cake... what is the POINT of the starter???)
There are many many recipes out there but we made the apple one. I think Herman might be American as most the recipes seem to use cups for the measures. I adjusted recipe a little as original was too sweet.

3/4 cups of Sugar (brown or white)
3/4 cup Oil (or melted butter or a mix)
1 tsp Vanilla
2 cup Plain flour
2 tsp Cinnamon
2 Eggs
1 cup Herman Starter (there are various recipes for starting one if you search)
1/2 tsp Baking Soda
1 tsp Salt
1 Apple peeled and cut in to small pieces
1 cups Sultanas

Put oven on 190C to heat
Bung everything except the apple and sultanas in to a bowl and mix thoroughly. Add the apple and sultanas and mix a bit more.
Butter a cake tin (approx 9x13 inches)
Put the mix in the tin.
Bake for approx 50 mins until a skewer comes out clean.
Herman starter and apple

The cake mix (without fruit)

So keen to scoff we didn't get a picture till after the first slice...

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