dimanche 22 avril 2012

Brévent is closed. What now?

So what are we doing now that Brévent is closed?
Guess what? We are skiing!!
The Grands Montets ski area is open for another couple of weeks. Over night there was 30 cm or more of snow and we had an awesome day today. Definately up there with the best!
We timed everything very well and were on one of the first lifts up from the bottom. Then after a number of awesome runs from different lifts as they opened, Richard spotted the top lift was about to open. We took a similar route to the one we did a few days ago (see here). The top part of the run is a bit less steep so with that much snow on it, it was a matter of straight lining it. Then we had lovely lovely fresh snow for bouncy turns the rest of the way down. AMAZING!!
For those of you who are sailers you will understand that skiing is a bit like sailing, some of the time you can't do it because the conditions are too extreme and dangerous, most of the time you do it and enjoy it but it isn't perfect, then occasionally everything comes together and you are in the right place at the right time for the most perfect powder (good wind strength from the right direction with nice waves to surf down)
Rhoda with Doug and Richards tracks. LOVING IT!!

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