mardi 17 avril 2012

What's the plan after Chamonix?

We haven't quite reached the end of the season yet, but despite all the snow it is fast approaching and we have started to think about what we are doing next.
We will be moving down to the Pyrénées on the 2nd of May. I have started a new blog (this title won't really be useful when we leave Cham... perhaps I should have thought of that, but c'est la vie as they say. So... new life, new blog).
Hopefully my 2 faithful followers registered on this blog (Lorna and Mary) will follow me to the new one  when the time comes in a couple of weeks :)

2 commentaires:

  1. Hi guys, still in awe of your ambition (rashness?) in this whole thing!!! The pigs should be cute (and hopefully tasty)! How about some singularis porcus (wild boar) a la Asterix?
    Will be looking forward to visiting when you have your (luxury?) rental property available??!!!!
    Take care, Dunc

  2. Rash RASH? What do you mean? What can possibly go wrong.
    Apparently you can get very tasty piglets if a wild boar mates with your pig which can sometimes happen when they are rampaging around a bit randy in Autumn.
