vendredi 6 avril 2012

Something other than skiing

From the blog it probably seems like we do nothing but bake things and ski. This is not too far from the truth, but we do actually do some other boring things like shopping, laundry and cleaning - plus what seems like a lot of time spent learning French. We are having lessons once a week with Françoise who is very patient and lovely. Should you need French lessons in Chamonix I would recommend her. website.

We went for a walk today. The theory was that it was going to give our legs a rest as they were getting a bit knackered from skiing every day. However we went a bit futher and higher than we really intended and ended up with legs more tired than ever.

It was a lovely walk though with awsome views. It is hard to get bored of Mont Blanc.
Mont Blanc

You can see from this photo that there was a lot more snow this year than there has been for many decades, and the spring avalanches minced some sizable trees. We also saw the remains of a mountain goat that we assume was caught in the avalanche (not very photogenic)
Crossing an avalanche

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