jeudi 29 mars 2012

The Crochues-Bérard tour

Spring has been in the Chamonix valley for some time now (with a brief dip back in to winter last week when it snowed). This means that touring is a nice change from the ski areas which have got a bit mogully.
It isn't very easy to illustrate where we went. The tour goes from Chamonix (off the bottom of the map) to Le Buet (off the top of the map) which is on the Swiss border.
There is a description of the tour here

On the way to Flégère
On the first climb (Red on map)
Top of the climb (v hot now)
Recovered enough to smile
View down first ski (Green on map)
Left tiny dot is Rhoda with miles to go on second climb (Blue on map)
Setting off on the second ski (Purple on map)
Getting close to the bottom of the valley
Bit tiring!!

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