mercredi 7 mars 2012

Galette recipe

A few days ago we had galette at l'Arret Bougnette in Valorcine, we have been there quite a few times because we love the galettes with an egg on. We decided to see if we could make our own.

For the galettes
200g Buckwheat flour (blé sarricin in France)
1 egg
Approx 400ml water/milk mix

For the filling
Anything you like really but we tried 

  1. Ham, cheese and egg 
  2. >Saucisson and cheese
  3. Nutella and banana
  4. Lemon and sugar (better on normal pancakes we thought as the lemon comes out the little holes in the galette and the flavour of the buckwheat is a bit strong and needs something 'meatier' with it)

Mix the flour with the egg and enough of the water/milk mix to make a mixture with a similar consistency to double cream (probably slightly thicker if anything - better to start too thick and add a bit of water if the first one comes out too think and rubbery)
Leave for a few hours before using ideally.

Heat a non stick frying pan and then add a little butter, put in a ladle full of the mixture and swirl quickly to cover the pan. I found that the first one didn't get little holes in it like they should be subsequent ones did.
Flip the galette like you would a pancake (I use a spatula)
Depending on the filling you can add it now or when it is on the plate. If you are doing one with an egg crack it over the galette while still in that pan and spread the white out as much as you can so it cooks quicker.

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