mardi 13 mars 2012

Madeliene Recipe

When we were in the huge supermarket down in Sallanches a while ago we bought a tin of marron glace (Crème de Marrons de l'Ardèche) and a little recipe book that went with it. We finally got round to buying a Madeleine tin, some vanilla and some carrots so we could make the Madeleine recipe.

150g Plain flour
125g Softened butter
150g Cane sugar (or soft brown sugar)
2 Eggs
2 tblsp milk
1 tsp baking powder
100g fine grated carrots
2 tblsp creme de marron
Additional creme de marron for the filling (perhaps 50g)
1 tsp vanilla extract
All spice or ground cinnamon
A Madeleine tin (or perhaps a cup cake tin would work fine too - they just wouldn't be the authentic shape - but don't fill full)

Beat the eggs and sugar together in a bowl until the mixture is fluffy and light in colour
Gently fold in the salt, baking powder and flour
Gently fold in all the other ingredients
Fill each shape in the Madeleine tin nearly to the top
Put a blob on Creme de Marron at the thickest point of each shape
Cover with a little bit more of the mixture (so you will end up with blobs of Creme de Marron embedded in the finished Madeleines)
Cook for 12 minutes at 180 C

Fill each shape and put blobs of Creme de Marron and cover with more mixture

Sprinkle with sugar and serve warm

Scoff them all while hot because they are SOOOO yummy

Feel a bit ashamed because you ate SOOO many...

2 commentaires:

  1. Yum! My kids number 1 favorite cookie is Madeleines! They are partial to the Starbucks version but these look yummier!

    1. These ones are AMAZING. Not sure if you can get the Creme de Marron in the US... but if so give it a go (the carrot is unusual too and makes them nice and moist)
