vendredi 9 mars 2012

Cricket club cake

Thanks for this recipe Janet!
Apparently we haven't quite got it right yet because it should be less risen, more solid and more fruity (so we are planning on take two next week with more fruit which could possibly solve both these issues... maybe a but less levure chimique). It is very tasty though and we are planning on taking slices skiing with us.

I find if I put in a full full cup of tea the cake rises a little more because the mixture is runnier. Little bit of experimentation required to find what you like best...

12 oz (340g) (dried fruit (sultanas, raisins, dates, nuts or whatever you fancy)
1 breakfast cup (230ml) cold tea 
1 breakfast cup (190g) sugar
2 breakfast cups (250g) self raising flour (or plain with 1 tsp baking powder)
2 eggs
Spice if you want (eg all spice)
Some salt
Cake tin (we used 500g bread tin)

Soak the fruit in the tea with the sugar overnight
Stir in the flour, spice, salt and eggs
Put in to cake tin
Bake for 1 1/4 hours at 175 C
The cake will keep well wrapped in foil and we are considering putting whisky or brandy in to the next one (or the one after) if we don't eat it too quickly...

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